Journal Entry #9


Game Production

One of my fun and frustrating experience in Humber was working with the programmers to create a game for the entire semester. Everything sounded so exciting and fun when it came to the game brainstorm and we ended up deciding a fishing food truck game that requires us to fish for ingredients and serve customers dishes made with the ingredients. The artist got to work immediately and we all created wonderful assets for the game. Although, we did put in a lot of work into our assets, there were some miscommunication amongs the programmers and artist and they replaced some of the assets we worked so hard on with the one they made. Artist then finds out that they replaced our asset because there were some sizing problems, but instead of coming to us to fix the issue, they completely replaced it by themselves. This becomes a problem for us for the rest of the semester because the programmers would try to solve the problems themselves and not come to us if there needed to be any adjustments. In the end of the semester, a lot of our assets and models were not included in the final game and that really frustrated us because we spent so much time on each asset just to see it not being included in the final game. After another new semester, the programmers had told us that they could not find our assets in the google drive as it was too disorganized and complicated to find but they could had just came to us for clarification instead of taking things way ahead without the artists. Overall working as an artist was a lot of fun but working with the programmers that didn't communicate and took things to their own hand was very saddening and disappointing. I hope in the future I would not have to experience the same kind of frustration again working with the programmers. 



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